◆Frequently asked questions & answers in Japanese language learning

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[ よくある質問と回答 ]



A 初心者は(新にほんご・にほんごあいうえお)、初級者は(みんなの日本語初級1.2) 、中級者は(中級から学ぶ日本語)を使ってレッスンを行います。上級者・JLPT・ビジネスの各クラスは担当講師が教科書や資料を考慮して準備します。








A  担当講師が欠席日のレッスンを録画します。休んだ生徒は次のレッスンまでにこの録画レッスンを見て頂き、振り替えレッスンといたします。実際の振り替えレッスンはありません。録画レッスンが振り替えになります。



A 実際にレッスンを受けた回数を引いた分のレッスン料を返金させて頂きます。※PayPalを通しての返金になります。



A 代行講師がレッスンを行います。又コースによっては副担当講師がいますので代行レッスンを行います。



A  ICJの事務局までメールにてご連絡下さい。他の講師クラスに編入手続きをさせて頂きます。



コースによりますが、指定教科書の購入(Amazonでの購入~自宅に届くまで日数がかかります。) ZOOMのアカウント登録(無料)をおすすめします。。パソコンやパソコンカメラが未だの場合は準備をお願いします。






A  ICJHP内には登録の仕方等、基本的な内容のみ掲載しているページがあります。ZOOM操作方法等詳細を知りたい方は



10. Q自分の日本語学習レベルが分からないのですが。(ICJHP内、無料体験レッスン申し込み・入学申し込みページ参考)

A 無料体験レッスン申し込みフォームや入学手続きフォームに、初心者~上級者の日本語学習能力を判断する文章があります。



11. Qレッスン期間はどの位ですか。

あなたの目的によって各クラス違います。◆Course & lesson fee◆のページ内・各コースの紹介で確認して下さい。



12.Q 1クラス何人位のレッスンになりますか。

A 基本クラスは2人~最大10人までのグループレッスンになります。但しJLPTコ―スやビジネス会話コース等少人数の方がレッスンをしやすいコースは2人~最大4人程度を考えています。


13.Q  担当講師は1人だけですか。

A  コースによっては担当講師1名・副担当講師2名~4名の場合もあります。合計5名で担当する場合もあります。



Signup for free trial lesson★のページ内に申し込みフォームがあります。必要事項を記入して申し込みをして下さい。




A  ◆Member registration ◆のページ内に申し込みフォームがあります。必要事項を記入を記入して申し込みをして下さい。







17.Q レッスン料の支払い方法はどうなりますか。

Payment of  lesson fee◆のベージから、PayPalでの前払い月謝制になります。各コース名や番号を確認してPayPalより手続きをして下さい。返金手続き等も全てPayPalで行います。










20.Q 担当講師は毎回同じですか。







A レッスンは ZOOMのアカウント登録がなくても受講できます。レッスンまでに担当講師からレッスンの招待URLが送られて





◆  Frequently Asked Questions 


 1 textbook is only one or. 

beginner new Japanese language and your AIUEO , the beginners Minna of Japanese Beginner 1. and 2) , intermediate the Japanese to learn from Intermediate make the lesson using. Advanced – JLPT each class of business is to prepare instructor is taking into account the textbooks and materials. 

※ However, with advanced users there is a possibility that I am purchased students by specifying the textbook in the future. )

◆Shin nihongo AIUEO

 ◆Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1 Honsatsu (Everyone’s Japanese Beginner 1 Textbook) 2nd Edition  Paperback 

◆Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 2 Honsatsu (Everyone’s Japanese Elementary 1 Textbook) 2nd Edition  Paperback

◆Learning from the middle level by theme Japanese <Santei version>


2Q Where do I buy textbooks.

Amazon · Japan if you buy in Can we dispatch to overseas. ICJ of HP will have to link each textbook purchase page within.

※ Amazon of can not be purchased with the account that is not the registration Please note .. )


3.Q transfer lessons if you cancel the lesson is, if you will.

 instructor will record the lessons of absence date. Rested’s students will look at this recording lessons on to the next lesson, we will and transfer lessons. There is no actual transfer lessons. Recorded lessons will be transferred.


4.Q middle of cancellation of the month withdrawal If it is, what happens to the paid lesson fee.

 I will repay the actual minute minus the number of lessons lesson fee. ※ PayPal will be refunded through.


5.Q If the instructor is absent from lessons, what happens to the lessons.

 substitute teacher will do the lessons. Also, since some courses There are sub-Lecturer do the Acting lessons.


6.Q I want you to place the instructor. I’d like to change of course.

A ICJ , please contact us by e-mail to the secretariat of. It will be the incorporation procedure to other instructors class.


7.Q after admission procedure, Do you have to be prepared until the first lesson.

A  It depends on the course, but the purchase of a specified textbook ※ Amazon will take a number of days to reach the purchase – at home in. · ZOOM of account registration free recommended. . If a personal computer or PC camera is still thank you to prepare.


8.Q even if the offered time I do not lead with the instructor.

A  Sorry to trouble you, ICJ thank you to contact us by e-mail to the secretariat. Acting lecturer will be offered a lesson if you can arrange, but I will if it is impossible for it as class cancellations, this time of the lesson fee will be refunded through PayPal.


9.Q ZOOM Please tell me of the registration of way and the basic operations. 

A ICJ of the HP way, such as the registration is in, there is a page that has posted only basic content. ZOOM If you want to know how to operate, etc. For more information

ICJ of ZOOM are linked from the page [ZOOM-lab] If you are in, please confirm it describes the fine operation function.


10.  I of their own Japanese learning level do not know. ※ ICJ of HP in, free trial lesson application-enrollment page reference )

free trial lesson application forms and enrollment procedures form, there is a sentence to determine the Japanese learning ability of beginner to advanced users.

Please judge your Japanese learning level in check here.


11.  lesson period is how much is that?

A  different each class by your purpose. ◆ Course Ando Lesson Fee Check in ◆-page-introduction of each course.

◆ ※ basically lessons period has become the renewal system of 6-month basis. We will check to see if you want to continue from the instructor to the previous month position of 6 months.


12.Q Would you like to lessons of the class what people position. 

base class is people to a maximum of 10 will be group lessons of up to people. However JLPT co – course that tends to the lessons towards the vinegar or business conversation course such as small number of people is people to a maximum of We believe the people about.


13.Q  instructor is whether only one person.

A   by course instructor person and Vice instructor people – There is also a case of people.


14.Q How do I apply for a free trial lesson.

A  ★ Signup For Free Trial Lesson There is a sign-up form to ★ within the page. Please apply by filling out the required information.

 ◆ ※ after the free trial lesson application, the soon it will not be offered. Consider the hope is the day of the week time and lecturer of schedule, so he was allowed to soon offered a collection the same level of students, will be offered after up to two weeks from one week after application. Sorry, please understand.


15.Q How do I enroll full member registration.

 ◆ Member Registration There is a registration form to ◆ within the page. Please apply by filling out fill out.

 ◆ ※ regular lessons (enrollment) will be twice a year. It becomes [March April May] & [September October November].


16.Q before free trial lessons ICJ I would like to take a look at the lessons of.

A  I will consider it as provisional membership register for free trial lesson application. Because the people of provisional membership will contact the password, [ICJ simulated lessons ]

Please see the lesson videos into the page.


17.Q What will happen to the payment method of lesson fee.

A  ◆ Payment Of Lesson Fee from Beji of ◆, PayPal will be prepaid tuition system in. Make sure each course name and number PayPal should be the procedure from. All also refund procedures such as PayPal done in.


18.Q in the middle of receiving a basic course, JLPT course short-term you get the.

If this is the case, then canceled classes the basic courses, apart from JLPT You will be incorporated into the course. ※ lesson fee JLPT course the new contract.

The basic course will correspond, if any, adjustments and others in the class cancellations. In this case ICJ please contact and consultation in the Secretariat. )


19.Q do you say even when the received lessons.

A  non-free time lesson course will be offered on the same day and time every week.

The free time lesson course, you will need a subscription to the day before the lesson desired date and time.


20.Q Is instructor is the same every time.

A  week instructor in the days course is the people. Week days or weeks days course instructor is people ~ will be people.


21.Q free trial lesson many times, I get how many minutes.

A  free trial lesson is 45 and the base of the minutes. The number will be times.


22.Q to take a lesson ZOOM of account registration is absolutely necessary.

lesson ZOOM You can attend even if there is no account registration. From the instructor before lessons lessons of invitation URL is sent

Because you can, ZOOM this invitation to enter the URL you will receive the lead lessons in lecturer by entering the.


※ However, so you can use the ZOOM In addition to lessons and registering Given that a future, I want to recommend.