◆Enrollment & membership registration ◆※ ICJ Entrance Application

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▲入学正会員登録完了後のレッスン開始日時について▲ ※第1回目のレッスンは担当講師やクラスにより異なります。2つの手続き完了後、早ければ翌週又は翌月の第1週になる場合があります。決定しましたら、ICJからあなたへ第1回のレッスン日時をメールで連絡させて頂きます。ご了解お願い致します。
  • この入校・正会員登録フォームより送信いただく、個人情報の取り扱いにつきましては細心の注意を払っております。
  • お預かりしたお客様の情報は本人様へのお問い合わせ内容についてのご返答や情報のご提供の目的であり、他の目的に使用することはございません。詳しくは「プライバシーポリシー」をご覧ください。
  • *印の付いている項目は必須となっております。漏れなくご記入ください。
  • 英数字は半角での記入をお願いいたします。




第1条 ICJ入校正会員・契約者 (以下甲という)は、契約書の内容及び以下の条項を承諾のうえ、本日、標記ICJ(以下乙という)に対して入校及契約の申込を行い、乙がこれを承諾した場合において、特定商取引に関する法律(以下「法」と記す。)に基づく契約が成立します。



第2条 乙は、甲に対し、乙の定める学習指導カリキュラムの中から甲が選択した左記契約書記載の内容の役務を提供します。

2 甲は、入校料・レッスン料、その他契約書に記載された金額を指定支払方法(PayPal)により、来月レッスン料を今月25日までに支払うこととします。▲(但し、仕方ない理由でPayPal支払い手続き日が25日以降になった場合は今月末日までとします。)



第3条 契約書記載の指導形態については、以下の通りとします。

1 グループレッスンとは、所定のZOOMを使い、所定の指導時間内に一人の講師が複数の生徒に対して授業形式で指導するものとします。

2 個別指導とは、所定の指導時間内に講師が生徒の必要に応じて個別に学習指導を行うものとします。(ZOOMを使用。)

3 個人指導とは、一人の講師が一人の生徒に対し、所定の指導時間を通して、マンツ-マンで指導を行うものとします。(ZOOMを使用。)



第4条 本契約において、学習指導の開始日とは、入校正会員登録とPayPal支払い手続き完了後、ICJより指定日時を連絡し第1回目のレッスンを行うものとします。



第5条 乙は、担当講師のZOOM画面上において学習指導を行います。




第6条 学習指導の期間は、各レッスンコースの基本的に定めた契約期間内とします。






第7条 学習指導に付随して必要となる関連商品(教材等書籍、カセット・テープ・CD等、ファクシミリ機器、テレビ電話)の販売を行う場合は、その関連商品ごとの価格・数量を明らかにするものとします。



第8条 甲は、本契約書面を受領した日から起算して8日間は書面によって契約を解除することができます。


2 第1項に記載した事項にかかわらず、甲が、乙が法第44条第1項の規定に違反して法第48条第1項の規定による特定継続的役務提供契約の解除に関する事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたことにより誤認をし、又は乙が法第44条第3項の規定に違反して威迫したことにより困惑し、これらによって法第48条第1項の規定による特定継続的役務提供契約の解除を行わなかった場合には、乙が交付した法第48条第1項の書面を甲が受領した日から起算して8日を経過するまでは、甲は書面によって契約を解除することができます。


3 第1項及び前項の契約の解除は、甲が契約を解除する旨を記載した書面を発信した時より成立します。


4 第1項及び第2項の契約の解除があった場合、乙が関連商品の販売又はその代理もしくは媒介を行っているときは、甲はその関連商品販売契約についても解除することができます。


5 第4項の契約解除の申出先は次のとおりです。



6 第4項の契約の解除は、甲が契約を解除する旨を記載した書面を発信した時より成立します。


7 第1項の契約の解除については、手数料は不要とし、甲は損害賠償又は違約金の支払いを請求されることはありません。既に引き渡された関連商品の引取りに要する費用、提供を受けた役務の対価その他の金銭の支払義務はありません。既に代金又は対価の一部又は全部を支払っている場合は、速やかにその全額の返還を受けることができます。



第9条  乙は、第8条第一項に定める期間の経過後、甲から契約の解除の申し出があった場合には、次の各号に掲げる場合に応じ、当該各号に定める額を超えない範囲で損害を請求できるものとしそれを超える前受金を受領している場合には差額分を返還するものとします。


1 学習指導開始後である場合、契約の締結及び履行のために通常要する費用。



2 学習指導開始前である場合、前号に定める初期費用

2-1 前項の役務の対価の単価は(月・回数)をもって計算。又レッスンを一度も受けていない場合はPayPal口座からの全額返金とします。


3 開講予約済のレッスンを乙がキャンセルした場合は、担当講師がレッスンを録画し




3-1 開講予約済のレッスンを甲の担当講師の都合により、急遽キャンセルした場合は




3-2 第1項の契約の解除があった場合、乙が関連商品の販売又はその代理もしくは媒介を行っているときは、甲はその関連商品販売契約についても解除することができます。


4 第3項の契約解除の申出先は次のとおりです。



5  第3項の契約の解約時に、甲が乙に関連商品を返還した場合において、未使用分に相当する前受金がある場合は、乙は甲に当該金額を返還するものとします。


6 乙の事情変更等に基づく中途解約・退学にあたっては、解約手数料等を徴収しないものとします。◆※(但し、PayPal口座上での振り替え手数料等は乙の負担とします。)


7  返還金のある場合は、PayPal口座を通して速やかに甲に返還するものとします。



第10条 本契約に際し乙が収集した個人情報に関しては、原則として以下の目的のみに利用します。

  • 甲に対するサービスの案内、情報提供を行うため
  • 甲より照会を受けた内容に回答するため


2 本契約に際し乙が収集した個人情報に関しては、第三者への提供は行いません。



第11条 本約款に定める事項及び契約内容について疑義が生じた場合、その他本約款に関して争いが生じた場合は、両者協議の上、解決するものとします。

2 本契約及び約款に定めのない事項については、民法及び特定商取引に関する法律その他の関連諸法によるものとします。






1.初心者  2.初級(簡単なあいさつや読み書きが出来る。JLPTのN5程度) 3.初中級(簡単な会話・みんなの日本語初級、JLPTのN4程度)

4.中級(ある程度の会話が出来る。漢字も少々。JLPTのN3程度)  5.上級(日常会話がほぼ出来る。漢字もある程度わかる。JLPTのN2~N1)




▲ The lessons start date and time after admission regular member registration completion ▲ ※ first round of lessons depends on the instructor and class. After two of the procedure is complete, it may be in the first week next week or next month at the earliest. If you have decided, I will consider it a lesson date and time of the first times be contacted by e-mail to you from the ICJ. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Get transmitted from this enrollment, regular member registration form, with regard to the handling of personal information I have paid close attention.
  • Entrusted to your information is the purpose of the offer for your reply and information about your inquiry to the other person, it does not have to be used for other purposes. Please refer to the “Privacy Policy” for more details.
  • * Items that are marked will have indispensable. Please fill in without omission.
  • Alphanumeric thank you to fill in single-byte.


◆ [enrollment Terms]

(Establishment of the contract)

Article 1 ICJ enrollment full member, the contractor (hereinafter referred to as Party) immediately, accept the content and the following terms of the agreement, today, make the enrollment 及 contract of the application for the title ICJ (hereinafter referred to as Party B), Otsu in the case but you accept this, contracts based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions (hereinafter referred to as “the law”.) is satisfied.


(Payment of the offer and the consideration of the services)

Article 2 Party B, to the instep, and provides the services of the contents of the left contract wherein the customer has selected from among the teaching curriculum to the provisions of the Otsu.

2 Party, enrollment fee and lesson fee, by the specified method of payment the amount of money that has been described in other contract (PayPal), you have to pay the next month lesson fee until the 25th of this month. ▲ (However, if the PayPal payment date in the reason no choice has become after 25 days and up to this month end.)


(In the form of teaching)

For guidance form of Article 3 of the agreement described, and as it follows.

The one group lessons, use a prescribed ZOOM, you assume that one of the instructors to teach in the classroom for a plurality of students within a predetermined guidance time.

The second individual guidance, the instructor will make a teaching individually according to the needs of students within a predetermined guidance time. (Using the ZOOM.)

3 personal guidance and is, with respect to one of the students one of the instructors, through a predetermined guidance time, Manz – and shall provide guidance in man. (Using the ZOOM.)


(The start of the teaching day)

In Article 4 of this Agreement, learning and the guidance of the start date, enrollment regular member registration date and the PayPal payment after the completion of procedure, designated than ICJ date and time contact. As long as the teaching is done in a given ZOOM, and shall not matter whether or not the reality of students.


(Working place of teaching)

Article 5 Party B, do the teaching on the ZOOM screen of the instructor.

However, if there is a unavoidable circumstances, on top of both agreement, you may want to move to another location.


(Teaching period and contract period)

Period of Article 6 teaching is, you have essentially the same as an established contract period of each lesson course.

The maximum contract period will be three years (36 months).

Contract period of the lesson is for a base of 6 months, and an automatic update when there is no withdrawal intention from the students. At the time of renewal, the renewal fee, etc. shall not charge.

In addition, if a change has occurred in the contract content and duration, for confirmation of both agreement, make the new contract, this contract at that time, shall be discarded.


(Related Products)

Related products that are required in association with Article 7 teaching (teaching materials such as books, cassette tape · CD, etc., facsimile equipment, a video phone) If you want to sell, obviously the price and quantity of each of the related products you shall be.


(Enrollment application after the click – ring off, etc.)

Article 8 Party, 8 days from the date of receipt of this agreement in writing will be able to cancel the contract in writing.


2 regardless of the matters described in paragraph 1, instep, Otsu is Law, Article 44 Act in violation of the first Section 48, Paragraph 1 matters concerning cancellation of Specified Continuous Service Contract pursuant by per has been misled by that the acts tell the disloyal, or Party B puzzled by the TakeshiSako in violation of the provisions of Article 44, paragraph 3 law provisions of the act 48 paragraph 1 in in case you did not release the specific continuous service contract, until Otsu has passed the 8 days from the date of the law Article 48 in writing of the first term, which was issued received the instep, instep is written you can cancel the agreement by.


3 first term and the cancellation of the preceding paragraph of the contract, and established than when the customer has sent a document stating that it will cancel the contract.


4 If there is a cancellation of the contract of the first term and the second term, If the Client sells or its agent or intermediary of related products, Jia can be released also for its cross-sell contract .


5 paragraph 4 of the contract cancellation of the request destination is as follows.

(※ offer destination Otsu different case only)


6 cancellation of the contract of the fourth term, and established than when the customer has sent a document stating that it will cancel the contract.


7 For the cancellation of the contract in the first term, commission is unnecessary, Jia will not be charged a payment of damages or penalties. Costs already required for the taking of the delivered the related products, there is no consideration for the payment obligation of the other money of the services that were provided. If you have already paid part or all of the price or consideration, you can receive a refund of the payment in full rapidly.


◆ for the (early withdrawal, withdrawal).

Article 9 Party B, after a period specified in paragraph Article 8, when there is offered the cancellation of the contract from the instep, depending on the cases listed in the following items, the amount specified in the respective items in the case where it is assumed that within a range that does not exceed able to claim damages has already received advance payments more than it shall refund the difference amount.


If 1 is after teaching start, expenses required for the conclusion and implementation of the contract.

For payment of the current month (PayPal paid lesson fee) prepayment of the monthly fee system, and shall refund the amount of money obtained by subtracting the actual attendance was lesson number of lessons fee from PayPal account.


If a two-teaching before the start, the initial cost set forth in the preceding item

2-1 unit price of the consideration set forth in the preceding paragraph of services calculation with a (month, the number of times). Also If you have not also received once the lessons you have a full refund from the PayPal account.


3 If the offered reserved lessons were canceled Otsu, instructor is recording a lesson

It tells to receive a recording lessons before the next lesson to the Otsu.

The actual transfer lesson is not performed, recorded lessons will be transferred. At that time, it does not refund the lesson fee. It will be the lessons already in the recording lessons.


3-1 by the convenience of the offered reserved lessons instep of the instructor, if you cancel a hurry

Make a refund of the lesson fee through PayPal account.

※ (If you can not offered by the lecturer convenience in advance, and the lessons response by substitute teacher.)


3-2 If there is a cancellation of the contract in the first term, when the Party B sells or its agent or intermediary of related products, Jia can be released also for its cross-sell contract.


4 offer destination of the contract cancellation of the third term is as follows.

(※ offer destination Otsu different case only)


5 at the time of termination of the third term of the contract, in the case where the customer has to return the Client related products, if there is a down payments corresponding to unused is, Party B and shall return the amount to the instep.


6 In the mid-surrender and withdrawal based on the Otsu of the situation changes and the like, you will not charge a cancellation fee and the like. ◆ ※ (However, transfer fees, etc. on the PayPal account, you have a Otsu of the burden.)


If there is a 7 refunds, it shall be returned promptly to the instep through PayPal account.


(privacy protection)

With respect to the personal information that Party B upon Article 10 of this Agreement has been collected, it will be used only for the following purposes as a general rule.

  • Guide service for the instep, in order to carry out the provision of information
  • In order to answer to the contents, which has received an inquiry from the instep


With respect to the personal information that Party B has been collected upon two contracts, but it does not provide to third parties.


◆ (Resolution of Disputes)

If questions arise about the matter and the agreement provided for in Article 11 of this Agreement, in the case of conflict in relation to other this agreement, shall on the both consultation, resolve.

For matters not specified in the two contracts and terms and conditions, and to be due to the Civil Code and the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions other related laws.

※ Terms and Conditions related products seller of the name provided for in Article 7, address, phone number, representative’s name is as noted elsewhere.


◆ ※ Fill out the enrollment, regular member registration form below, if it is sent to the ICJ of the ICJ agree to [enrollment Terms]we will be deemed to have gotten.


◆ ※ also an item in the enrollment, regular member registration form, for [your Japanese learning level], please fill Select your leveling Lumpur from below.

1. Beginner 2. Elementary (N5 about .JLPT that can be simple greetings and read-write) 3. Pre-Intermediate (simple conversation for Everyone Japanese beginner, about N4 of the JLPT)

4. Intermediate (about a certain degree of conversation can be. Kanji also a little .JLPT N3) 5. Senior (everyday conversation is almost possible. Kanji can be seen to some extent N2 ~ of .JLPT N1)